Prof.Ming Wei

University/Department:School of Transportation, Nantong University
Brief introduction of research:

Work experience:
2013/9- up to now,Nantong University, School of transportation, Head of the Department of traffic engineering
2013/1 - 2014/12,Southeast University,Postdoctoral research station of Transportation Engineering,Post doctorate
2012/8 - 2013/9,Nantong University, School of transportation, Teacher
2011/3 - 2011/12,Guangzhou Second Bus Company, Operation Department, System development staff
2008/3 -2008/9,Guangdong Tyco Electronics ,Computer department,Software Intern Engineer
 Hosted or Participated In major scientific research projects:
1、National Natural Science Foundation of China,61503201,A Dynamic scheduling decision method for urban public transport based on Bayesian network,2016/01-2018/12, Person in charge.
2、Science and technology project of Nantong,BK2014059,Bayesian network decision model for dynamic scheduling of urban public transport and its application,2015/01-2016/12, Person in charge.
3、Postdoctoral foundation project of China,2013M540408,Modeling and Simulation of urban public traffic dynamic scheduling based on Intelligent Coordinated Control Theory,2013.03-2014.12,Person in charge.
4、University Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu,13KJB580008,Microscopic simulation of traffic flow in Mountainous City,2013/1-2014/12, Person in charge.
5、 State Key Development Program of (for) Basic Research of China,2012CB725402,Cooperative mechanism and coupling theory of public transit oriented multi mode transportation network,2013/01-2016/12,Main participant.
6、Traffic science and technology project of Jiangsu,11X76,Data mining technology of intelligent public transportation system,2013/01-2013/12,Main participant.
7、The company's commissioned projects to Guangzhou second bus companies,Scheduling system development for Public transportation operation analysis and optimization,2011.03-2012.06,Main participant(Technical person in charge).
 8、National High Technology Research and Development Program of China,2007AA11Z201,Integrated public transportation network operation optimization technology, 2009.07-2010.12,Main participant(Technical person in charge).
Published papers in English:
1、Wei M, Chen X W,Sun B.Model and algorithm for resolving regional bus scheduling problems with fuzzy travel times, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 2689–2696, 2015.
2、Wei M, Chen X W,Sun B.Model and algorithm for bus gas station site layout optimization problem, Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 160–165 and 178, 2015.
3、Wei M, Chen X W,Sun B.Multi-objective single line transit mixed scheduling model considering express bus service, Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 169–174 and 181, 2015.
4、Wei M, Chen X W,Sun B.Model and algorithm for bus parking site layout optimization problem, Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 113–117, 2015.
5、Wei M, Jin W Z,Shen L O.A platoon dispersion model based on lognormal distribution of speed, Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Technology, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1521–1525, 2013.
6、Wei M, Jin W Z,Sun B.Genetic algorithm for multi-objective regional bus scheduling problem, Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Technology, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1244–1249, 2013.
7、Wei M, Jin W Z,Sun B.A bi-level programming model for uncertain regional bus scheduling problems, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 106–113, 2013.
8、Wei M, Jin W Z,Sun B.Max-min ant system for bus transit multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with route time constraints,Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 555–560, 2012.
9、Wei M, Jin W Z,Sun B.Model and algorithm of regional bus scheduling with grey travel time, Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 106–112, 2012.
10、Wei M, Jin W Z,Sun B.A platoon dispersion model based on a truncated normal distribution of speed, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2012, 2012.
11、Wei M, Jin W Z.Reliability of regional bus scheduling problem, Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science), vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 50–56, 2012.
12、Jin W Z , Wei M.Ant colony algorithm for regional bus scheduling problem with bus task reliability, ICCTP 2011: Towards Sustainable Transportation Systems - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, pp. 969–978, 2011.
13、Wei M, Jin W Z.Bi-level programming model for scheduling and procurement scheme of regional bus, Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science), vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 118–123, 2011.
14、Wei M, Jin W Z.Improved ant colony algorithm for multi-depot bus scheduling problem with route time constraints,Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 4050–4053, 2010.
15、Wei M, Jin W Z.Ant colony system for multi-depot bus scheduling problem with budget and pollutant emission control,Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS, vol. 383, pp. 723–732, 2010.
Developed software system:
1、Operation optimization system of integrated public transit network based on GIS,2010.
2、Operation scheduling analysis platform for Guangzhou bus company,2011.
3、Analysis system of Bus passenger flow based on RFID,2013.
4、Traffic signal control platform of Qidong City,2015.
Some other achievements and honors:
1、The instructor of a total of 15 or more subject competition for 2015 COMAP's Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), Traffic science and technology of China University student in 2013 and 2014, the robot, Computer design competition of Jiangsu Province University student in 2014 and 2015, the robot Cup of China University student from 2013-2015 etc.
2、The instructor of Outstanding undergraduate graduate design of Jiangsu Province in 2015
3、Person in charge of teaching achievement prize of China traffic Education Association in 2013-2015, and Nantong University in 2015.
4、Saves expert of youth station of Jiangsu province in 2015.
5、Saves expert of youth station of Nantong City in 2014.
6、Good mentoring of Blue Project of Nantong City in 2015.
7、Hundred good youth in Nantong University in 2013.
8、Outstanding educators in Nantong University in 2014.
9、Excellent guidance teacher of summer practice, graduation design and subject contest from 2013-2015.