Prof. Sharon Kao-Walter

Country/Region: Sweden

University:  Blekinge Institute of technology

Reporting Conference: ICEMEE 2nd 2015

Topic: Handy Wheel Chair to help Disability People Get into the Car

Abstract: A wheelchair with a gear system was designed and analysed in order to find a good solution for people with wheelchair to move into the car. This gear system has been designed to be installed in the car and the whole wheelchair can be moved into the car automatically even with the people on it. The three dimensional design have been done in a CAD commercial program with this the solid mechanics analysis was also performed. Volvo XC 60 and V60 as well as a foldable wheelchair have been chosen in this work.

Brief introduction of research: 

-Bachelor of Science in Solid Mechanics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

-Licentiate degree in Solid Mechanics from Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

After 8 year work as development engineer, move back to university.

-PhD from Blekinge Institute of Technology

Published more than 50 papers among with about 20 are ISI articles.

Now Professor in Solid Mechanics in Blekinge Institute of Technology, Shanghai oversea scholar at Shanghai Second Polytechnic University an Guest Professor in Kunming University of Science and Technology.

-giving lectures in several courses to students from Bachelor to PhD level.

-have been supervisor for more than 30 master theses.

-Supervisor to 5 PhD students of which two of them are industrial PhD students.