University/Department:Université de Tunis
Brief introduction of research:
I'm Houssem Eddine Nouri a Dr. in informatics applied in management at Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, University of Tunis, Tunisia. I published many research Conference Papers (ICCAT, ICEIS, GECCO, KES, CSOC, ICAART and MDAI) and Journal Articles (Procedia Computer Science, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Applied Intelligence, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence and Journal of Industrial Engineering International) in the fields of optimization, flexible manufacturing systems, scheduling, transport, metaheuristics and multiagent systems. Also, I participated as a reviewer in the international conferences: SETIT 2016, KES 2017, ICSP 2017, IWAACE 2017, AMEIT 2017 and AICCSA 2017; and the international journals : Journal of Soft Computing, Annals of Operations Research, Journal European Journal of Industrial Engineering and Journal of Intelligent Systems.