University/Department: VIT University
Brief introduction of research:
University/Department: VIT University
Brief introduction of research:
Research Guidance:
No. of PhDs supervised: 27
No. of MPhils awarded: 13
No. of M. S (By Research) Awarded: 04
No. of M.Tech projects supervised: 32
No. of MCA projects supervised: 85
No. of B. Tech projects supervised: 56
No. of M. Sc projects supervised: 10
Publications: (364)
International Journals: 147
International Conference Proceedings: 125
National Conferences: 33
Chapters in Edited Volumes: 52
Edited Volumes: 05
Monographs: 02
Member of Professional Bodies:
Senior Member: ACM, IEEE, CSI, ACEEE,
Life Member: IMS, OMS, WSEAS, AISTC, IST Group, CSTA, Group of Fuzzy Logic Scientists, , IEEE, Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE, Math, Math education and Math cultural group, IACSIT, Singapore, , Indian Rough Set society, Indian Academy of Mathematics, The Indian Science Congress Association, ACM Compute News group etc.
International Journals: 147
International Conference Proceedings: 125
National Conferences: 33
Chapters in Edited Volumes: 52
Edited Volumes: 05
Monographs: 02
Member of Professional Bodies:
Senior Member: ACM, IEEE, CSI, ACEEE,
Life Member: IMS, OMS, WSEAS, AISTC, IST Group, CSTA, Group of Fuzzy Logic Scientists, , IEEE, Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE, Math, Math education and Math cultural group, IACSIT, Singapore, , Indian Rough Set society, Indian Academy of Mathematics, The Indian Science Congress Association, ACM Compute News group etc.
Reviewer of International Journals: (48)
Mathematical Reviews (USA), Zentral blutt fur Mathematik (Germany), Journal of Analysis, published by ‘Forum De` Analystes’(India), Journal of the Orissa Mathematical Society(India), International Journal of Engineering Technology(IJET). International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), Information Sciences (Elsevier Publications), International Journal of Philosophical Research(IJPR), ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computer Sciences(IJMCS), Mathematical Communications (Croatia), University of Osijek, Analysis of Neural Networks (Springer Journal), International Journal of Physical Sciences(IJPS), Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier Publications), Int. Research Journal of Library, Information and Archival Studies, Sapele (Nigeria), International Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS)(Elsevier Publications), Int. Jour. of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) (World Scientific), European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR)(Elsevier Publications), IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE publications), Int. Jour. of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Int. Jour. of Educational Research and Review, Academic Journals (ERR), Int. Jour. of Information and Computer Science (IJAICS), Int. Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (IRJASS)EA, Research Notes in Information Sciences, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJA)(Elsevier Publications), International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzzy and Knowledge based Systems (IJUFKS) (World Scientific), Malaya Journal of Mathematik-An international Journal, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Computers in Biology and Medicine, COST international journal, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and informatics, Auto soft Journal, International Scholar Journal, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems (IJGCRSIS). International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Analysis (IJISA, MECS Publishers), Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Social Network Mining (Inder science publications),Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Man, Machine and Systems, Springer Journal of Social networks and Mining, International Journal of Social Network Mining (Inder science publications), International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier journal, Kybernetes
Editorial Board of International Journals: 21
IST Transactions of Systems & Cybernetics- Theory & Applications (CTA), IST Transactions on Information Technology- Theory & Applications (ITTA), IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics-Modeling and Simulation (AMMS), International Journal Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), International Journal of Physical Sciences(IJPS), Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), An International Journal of Research and Innovation, Advances in Internet of Things(AIT), Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, (USA), International Journal on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications (IJMIA), International Journal of the Information and Computer Science (IJICS), SCICON- The International group of Science and engineering Congress Journals, Journal of Modern Internet of Things, Lecture Notes in Software Engineering, International Journal of Information Sciences (Scientific and Academic Publishing), ISTE-ACEEE journal, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences Journal, Goplax Publishers of international journals, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Analysis (IJISA, MECS Publishers), Editor-in-chief: International journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI.ORG), Guest Editor: Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Bio-technology (The IIOAB journal) (3 Volumes), Guest Editor: International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics (IJKDB), volume 5, issue 2.
Guest Editor: International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IGI publications)
Mathematical Reviews (USA), Zentral blutt fur Mathematik (Germany), Journal of Analysis, published by ‘Forum De` Analystes’(India), Journal of the Orissa Mathematical Society(India), International Journal of Engineering Technology(IJET). International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), Information Sciences (Elsevier Publications), International Journal of Philosophical Research(IJPR), ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computer Sciences(IJMCS), Mathematical Communications (Croatia), University of Osijek, Analysis of Neural Networks (Springer Journal), International Journal of Physical Sciences(IJPS), Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier Publications), Int. Research Journal of Library, Information and Archival Studies, Sapele (Nigeria), International Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS)(Elsevier Publications), Int. Jour. of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) (World Scientific), European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR)(Elsevier Publications), IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE publications), Int. Jour. of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Int. Jour. of Educational Research and Review, Academic Journals (ERR), Int. Jour. of Information and Computer Science (IJAICS), Int. Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (IRJASS)EA, Research Notes in Information Sciences, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJA)(Elsevier Publications), International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzzy and Knowledge based Systems (IJUFKS) (World Scientific), Malaya Journal of Mathematik-An international Journal, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Computers in Biology and Medicine, COST international journal, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and informatics, Auto soft Journal, International Scholar Journal, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems (IJGCRSIS). International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Analysis (IJISA, MECS Publishers), Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Social Network Mining (Inder science publications),Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Man, Machine and Systems, Springer Journal of Social networks and Mining, International Journal of Social Network Mining (Inder science publications), International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier journal, Kybernetes
Editorial Board of International Journals: 21
IST Transactions of Systems & Cybernetics- Theory & Applications (CTA), IST Transactions on Information Technology- Theory & Applications (ITTA), IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics-Modeling and Simulation (AMMS), International Journal Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), International Journal of Physical Sciences(IJPS), Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), An International Journal of Research and Innovation, Advances in Internet of Things(AIT), Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, (USA), International Journal on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications (IJMIA), International Journal of the Information and Computer Science (IJICS), SCICON- The International group of Science and engineering Congress Journals, Journal of Modern Internet of Things, Lecture Notes in Software Engineering, International Journal of Information Sciences (Scientific and Academic Publishing), ISTE-ACEEE journal, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences Journal, Goplax Publishers of international journals, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Analysis (IJISA, MECS Publishers), Editor-in-chief: International journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI.ORG), Guest Editor: Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Bio-technology (The IIOAB journal) (3 Volumes), Guest Editor: International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics (IJKDB), volume 5, issue 2.
Guest Editor: International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IGI publications)
Committee member of International Conferences: (35)
Member, Technical program committee, International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud computing, ICC 2016, U.K., Advisory Committee member, CSII 2015 conference, Burdwan University, January, 2016, Reviewer, 6th IEEE CSNT 2016 at Chandigarh, India, Member, Program Committee, CSNT 2016, Program Committee 10th ICACCT 2016, TPC member, ICACDS 2016, TPC member, EDAS, 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2016), TPC member, IJCRS2016 conducted by International Rough Set society, Poland, TPC member, IJCRS2017 conducted by International Rough Set society, Poland, TPC member, ICSP 2017, International conf. on Introduction to computer and signal processing, March 10-12, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
Member, Technical program committee, International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud computing, ICC 2016, U.K., Advisory Committee member, CSII 2015 conference, Burdwan University, January, 2016, Reviewer, 6th IEEE CSNT 2016 at Chandigarh, India, Member, Program Committee, CSNT 2016, Program Committee 10th ICACCT 2016, TPC member, ICACDS 2016, TPC member, EDAS, 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2016), TPC member, IJCRS2016 conducted by International Rough Set society, Poland, TPC member, IJCRS2017 conducted by International Rough Set society, Poland, TPC member, ICSP 2017, International conf. on Introduction to computer and signal processing, March 10-12, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
Prof. Handing Guo
Prof.Yanping Yuan
Prof.Qingsheng Wang
Dr.Ana Almerich Chulia
Prof.Shizhao Yang
Dr.Zhangxu Chen
Prof.Xinghua Li
Prof. Cheng Ding 【Guest Editor】
Prof.Chuijiang Guo
Prof. Sharon Kao-Walter
Dr. Aryani Ahmad Latiffi
Prof. Ali Kaveh
Prof. Wei Chen
Prof. Maziar Asefi
Prof. Xinyun Wang
Prof.Zhigang Liu
A.Prof. Borliang Chen
DSc, Prof. Vladimir N. Efimenko
Prof. Anatolijs Borodinecs
Prof.Wen Pei Sung