Dr.Yuewei Ai


University:Purdue University

Research Area:Modeling and Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer

Brief introduction of research experience:

Yuewei Ai, a research assistant of School of Mechanical Engineering and valuable member in the Center for Laser-based Manufacturing, Purdue University, USA. His research area is focused on welding technology and additive manufacturing, laser materials processing, modeling and simulation of heat and mass transfer, and intelligent manufacturing. He has published over 10 refereed papers in the journals and conference proceedings of great popularity and prestige. He has organized symposia “Numerical Modeling and simulation of Laser Processing of Materials” in the 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. He has been invited and given many presentations in the international conferences which were held by the prestigious academic organizations like LIA, IIW, ESCMCE, and so on. He also served as the reviewer of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Journal of Laser Applications, Lasers in Materials