Prof.Hui-Mi Hsu

Country/Region:  Taiwan

University: National Ilan University, Taiwan

Reporting Conference: ISCME 2016

Topic: Large Scale Experiments on Material Deterioration of RC Specimens

Brief introduction of research: 


Dean of Engineering School, Professor, National Ilan University, Taiwan 


1989 - 1991 

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Memphis State University, USA 

1986 - 1988 M.S., Civil Engineering, Memphis State University, USA 

1979 - 1983 B.S.., Civil Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan 



A. National Ilan University 

2015 - 2018 Dean of Engineering School 

2014 - 2015 General Consultant 

2011 - 2015 Director, Center of Sustainable Development 

2006 - 2008 Director, Graduate Institute of Architecture and Sustainable Planning 

2005 - 2006 CEO, Center of Sustainable Development 

2002 - 2005 Dean of General Affairs 

1997 - 2002 Chairman, Civil Engineering Dept. 


B. Others 

2014 - 2016 

Chairman, Sustainable Development Committee, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 

2014 - 2016 

Chairman, Eastern Taiwan Dept., Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 

2013 - 2016 

Chairman, Eastern Taiwan Dept., Construction Management Association 

2012 - 2015 

Executive Director, Association of Chinese trade and Sustainable 


2012 - 2013 

Associate Chairman, Eastern Taiwan Dept., Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 

2010 - 2013 

Chairman, Eastern Taiwan Dept., Construction Management Association 

2007 - 2014 

Chairman, Institute of Sustainable Development Engineering 

2007 - 2008 Visiting Professor, Yantai University, Shandong, China 

2006 - 2008 Director, Chinese GIS Association 

2005 - 2008 

Chairman, Yilan Information Software Association 

2002 - 2006 

Chairman, Eastern Taiwan Dept., Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 

2001 - 2003 Director, Members Committee, Chinese GIS Association 

1992 - 1992 Associate Engineer, Taipei City Government 

1989 - 1992 Research Assistant, Memphis Earthquake Center