Country/Region: China
University: Instituteof Chemistry, ChineseAcademy of Sciences
Brief introduction of research:
Professor BuxingHan received Ph.D. degree at Instituteof Chemistry, ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) in 1988, anddid postdoctoral research from 1989 to 1991 at the Universityof Saskatchewan,
His research interests include physicochemical properties of greensolvent systems and applications of green solvents in green chemistry. He has published more than 500 papers inpeer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Science,Acc. Chem. Res., Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Eur. J., Chem. Commun., Green Chem., and has presented more than 100 plenaryor invited lectures at different conferences. The published papers have beencited more than 17000 times.
He is an elected Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, honorary professor ofUniversity of Nottingham, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, the formerChairman of the Subcommittee on Green Chemistry, International Union of Pureand Applied Chemistry. He is serving more than 10 peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Chem. Sci., Green Chem., ChemSusChem, J.Supercritical Fluids.