



  1. 删除冗余讯息


  2. 省略多余的主语


  范例:Although DIESEL CARS obtain 20 to 30 percent better mileage, and DIESEL CARS emit less carbon dioxide than similar gasoline cars, they can emit 25 to 400 times more black carbon and organic matter per kilometer.

  改写:Although DIESEL CARS obtain 20 to 30 PERCENT better mileage and emit less carbon dioxide than similar gasoline cars, they can emit 25 to 400 times more black carbon and organic matter per kilometer.

  3. 省略重复的单位或量词


  范例:Although diesel cars obtain 20 PERCENT to 30 PERCENT better mileage and emit less carbon dioxide than similar gasoline cars, they can emit 25 TIMES to 400 TIMES more black carbon MATTER and organic MATTER per kilometer.

  改写:Although diesel cars obtain 20 to 30 PERCENT better mileage and emit less carbon dioxide than similar gasoline cars, they can emit 25 to 400 TIMES more black carbon and organic MATTER per kilometer.

  4. 省略重复的定冠词及不定冠词


  范例:In diesel engines,the carbon particle (soot) content varies from 60% to 80% depending on THE fuel composition THE fuel pump setting,THE workload demand on the engine, THE engine temperature,and THE type of engine used.

  改写:In diesel engines,the carbon particle (soot) content varies from 60% to 80% depending on THE fuel composition,fuel pump setting,workload demand on the engine, engine temperature,and THE / ? type of engine used.
