Keynote Speeches
Prof. Cong Wang, Dept. of Physics, Beihang University, China (click)
王聪教授 北京航空航天大学 物理学院
Title: Magnetovolume and Baromagnetic effects in antiperovskite Mn3XN(C) compounds
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Assoc. Prof. Ching Yern Chee, Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia (click)
Title: Nanocellulose Reinforced Biopolymer Based Hydrogel for Drug Loading and Delivery
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Oral Speeches
Jian Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Combining Box Counting-dimension with a Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model Based Quantitative Evaluation on Soil and Water Erosion of Lake Dianchi Basin, China
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Xiuying Hu, ShanDong JiaoTong University, China
胡秀颖 山东交通学院
Title: Fibrillar structure development of polyacrylonitrile fibers treated by ultrasonic etching in oxidative stabilization
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Xin Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
张欣 清华大学
Title: Polishing behavior of PS/SiO2 Core-Shell nanoparticles with different shell thickness on fused silica Chemical Mechanical Polishing
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