日期:08/14/2019 点击量: 411次
Welcome Dr. John Reid from Australia to be committee member!
Dr. John Reid, Australia
Research Area
Mesoscale Physics
Research Experience
1970: Completed a PhD in Auroral Physics at University of Tasmania during which I invented the Fast Response Riometer and made the first observations of cosmic noise absorption (CNA) pulsations. Later I found that these were associated with Pi1 micropulsations.
1979: Became interested in the Maximum Entropy Method of Spectral Analysis.
1980s: Set up equipment to monitor ocean waves. Investigated wave dynamics (with CSIRO).
1990s: Developed numerical fluid dynamical models for estimating tidal and wind driven flows on the NW Shelf of Western Australia(with CSIRO).
2002: Invented an algorithm for the real-time detection of moving objects in video images for surveillance purposes.
2007: Invented a method of mixing deep nutrients into the mixed layer of the ocean to remove CO2 from the atmosphere while massively increasing global fish stocks ( http://www.ecofluidics.com/OceanMixing/index.html ).
2010: Science blogs ( http://www.scienceheresy.com/scienceheresyarchive/index.html & http://blackjay.net/ ).
2018: Asked to write The Fluid Catastrophe by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.